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How to Multitask Like a Boss


As a business owner and entrepreneur, I didn’t start out with a team that I can delegate tasks to. In the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey, I had to learn how to run all aspects of the business, simultaneously and single handedly. Over the years, I realized in order for me to be able to run a successful business I have to master multitasking. From responding to inquiries to handling client files, the ability to multitask isn’t just a luxury. It is indeed a necessity.

The facts are, in order to maintain a quality business and produce quality work, you have to take the necessary steps to not only organize what it’s in front of you but to also organize and train your brain. The following techniques were the biggest determinants of my success when it comes to maintaining and sustaining all of my businesses.

Organization Tools: When you have multiple things to account for, being intentional about where you store all of your information is crucial. Investing in a planner and online scheduling program will remove the task of having to conduct a mental recap of what your upcoming weeks entail. To aid even further, syncing your scheduling platform to your phone will allow you to stay updated when you’re unable to use your primary devices. Centralizing all of your inquiries and requests to an email in comparison to accepting DM’s, text messages, and an email is an automated way to stay organized and stay on top of providing exceptional customer service with timely responses. Once your inquiries are centralized, keeping your email inbox to a minimal number of emails, trains you to file your emails on a daily basis so that you are able to focus on continuous and consistent organizing while also actioning priority tasks.

Delegating Tasks: When it comes to running your business, you know exactly what you would like to see for your business in all aspects, so I do understand the hesitation in trusting others with a task you know you can do flawlessly. However, as business grows and you begin to hire employees, delegating tasks aids in the development of your teams skills and abilities. Which then allows you to delegate in the future with a high degree of confidence that it will be done correctly, with much less involvement from you. Delegation will allow you to make better use if not the best use of your time and skills, while simultaneously helping your team grow and develop to reach their fullest potential within the company.

Automation: As your business begins to grow, you will realize how little time you want to spend on smaller tasks such as sending out a welcome package to all new clients or taking the time to reply to every email you receive in regards to requests. One of the first steps in incorporating automation is creating templates that you can use all the time. With a folder of templates for each email type, you are able to eliminate drafting time. Once you’ve created the necessary templates, you then apply the automation by setting up your email to reply with those templates automatically, removing you from the initial responding process. Having an automation process for emails will ultimately give you more time to work on essential tasks and aid in responding to all emails instantaneously translates into good customer service.

One of the biggest challenges of multitasking is how it can impact your memory. By consciously making an effort to retrain your brain, such as with the tips listed above, you’ll be much better prepared to manage your schedule and stay on top of your to-do list. When you manage your time rather than really letting it manage you, you’ll be more productive and successful, less stressed and much more effective. On top of the newfound time and focus gained from these tips, you also have us to manage your transactions.



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