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Juggling Too Much At Once and Not Feeling Supported!


The truth is I feel like everyone is out for themselves, wants a piece of the pie and doesn't really mean what they say. I always knew that it was a selfish world, but thought there was a mere chance that I could make change. Don't get me wrong it's challenging to navigate through entrepreneurship, especially in the Canadian market. It's hard to expect people to not view the world as you would (this is a constant battle) because I naturally assume others would operate with common sense, loyalty and some values.

Have you ever found yourself juggling too much and feeling completely overwhelmed? Does the thought of not knowing the outcome of the things you’re trying to build fill you with fear? If you answered yes, then this post is for you.

Building something from scratch can be both scary and exciting. It’s exciting because we know that the possibilities are endless, but at the same time, it's scary because there’s no guarantee of what will happen. And when things don't go as planned, you may feel completely overwhelmed.

Staying focused can be tough, and when your emotions get in the way, it can seem nearly impossible to stay on track. It's important to remind yourself of why you started in the first place, and never forget your end goal. Take a step back and reevaluate the goals that you have set for yourself and genuinely consider the steps you need to take to make them happen.

However, sometimes life gets in the way, and the support that you need is not always what you get in return. Friends come and go, some will be cheering you on along the way, and others won't. It’s important to surround yourself with people who will uplift and encourage you. Be proactive in seeking out a supportive community by networking to find those who share your objectives and values. Sometimes you may even have to sit your loved ones down and discuss what you need to thrive. Juggling too much at once can be incredibly overwhelming. It can leave you feeling exhausted, emotionally drained, and struggling to find balance in your life. When you're trying to tackle multiple tasks and projects simultaneously, it's essential to remember that it's okay to take a step back and reassess your priorities.

One of the biggest obstacles for those who are juggling too much is feeling like they don't have the support they need. It can be disheartening to feel as though nobody has your back, and that you're facing everything on your own. It's essential to identify who in your life can be your support system. While it's natural to desire support from everyone around us, the reality is that the support you need and the individuals that can provide it may be separate entities. When seeking a supporting resource, try identifying people who have faced comparable circumstances and therefore understand better what you are undergoing. They may offer advice, perspective, skill, resources and mostly a lending ear or soft shoulder. Additionally, a community of support can help you stay motivated and focused on your goals. Sometimes, all it takes is talking things through with someone to help put everything into perspective.

Being overwhelmed can be very normal but taking action to address it is important. It could mean reprioritizing to manage nothing but what's important, getting candid about your needs, resourcing for new ways to tackle tasks, or connecting with those who have your best interest at hand. Understanding your support system can combat the feeling of being unsupported, lift the pressure and empower you in juggling your daily responsibilities. If you ever feel that you are juggling too much and not feeling supported, remember that seeking out support can be a good first step in overcoming the challenges you may encounter.

Just remember, building something from the ground up is never going to be an easy task. Nonetheless, with every little step forward that you take, you’re getting closer to your goal, and each step counts. Things may not be happening as swiftly as you would hope or anticipate, and it may seem like each step is an uphill battle, but the truth is that you're putting in the effort necessary to move forward. And at the end of the day, your hard work will pay off. It's okay to experience discouragement and anxiety throughout this journey, but when it happens, remind yourself of what your end goal is. This is the incentive you ought to make your focus.

In conclusion, remember that you are capable and strong enough to see your goals through. Keep pushing through the challenging moments and seek support from those who really care and believe in your potential. Ultimately, you’ll overcome the fear and the sense of being overwhelmed, and you will achieve our goal- One step at a time!



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